Wireless vs Wired Headphones

October 08, 2021


Hello audiophiles! It's an age-old question - "should I go wireless or stick with wires?" After all, technology has made it possible to get rid of annoying cords and cables, but does that mean it's better than the tried-and-tested wired headphones? The Flare Compare team decided to do some research, and we are here to present an objective comparison between wireless and wired headphones. Read on to find out which one suits you best!

Sound Quality

For many music lovers, sound quality is the ultimate deciding factor between wireless and wired headphones. Wired headphones have established themselves as the golden standard when it comes to sound quality. This is because wired headphones can transfer uncompressed audio signals to your ears, providing a stable and clear sound. On the other hand, while wireless headphones have greatly improved over the years with the aid of technology, they still suffer from compressed audio signals that result in lower sound quality.

Numbers Please!

To break it down a bit further, a wired headset with a frequency of 20-20,000 Hz has a better frequency response compared to a wireless which can only go up to 44.1kHz or 48kHz. This means that wired headphones have better sound quality and can reproduce better treble and bass sounds than wireless headphones.


So, if sound quality is your primary concern, wired headphones are the way to go.


Even though wired headphones offer excellent sound quality, they have an inconvenient and annoying cable. On the other hand, the ability to go wireless is a huge convenience factor. Wireless headphones allow you to move around freely while still enjoying your music, which is particularly helpful while exercising, commuting, or doing any other activity that requires mobility.

Numbers Please!

According to Statista, the global market for wireless headphones was projected to reach over 45 billion dollars in 2021. A clear indication of their growing popularity and convenience factor.


If you prioritize convenience, then wireless headphones are your pick.

Battery Life

The downside of going wireless is that most wireless headphones require a battery, while wired headphones don't. While some models boast long battery life, others have short ones, which is why many people worry about battery life when considering wireless headphones.

Numbers Please!

Most wireless headphones have a battery life of 15-20 hours on a single charge, but others can last up to 30 hours or more, according to TechRadar.


If you wear headphones for extended periods, wireless headphones with a long battery life are better for you.


Last but not least, the price is a crucial factor when it comes to deciding between the two. Wired headphones are generally cheaper than wireless headphones with similar sound quality.

Numbers Please!

On average, wired headphones with a frequency of 20-20,000 Hz can range from $10 to $250, while wireless headphones can range from $30 to $900, according to Best Buy.


If you are on a tight budget, wired headphones are the way to go.



There's no denying that both wired and wireless headphones have their pros and cons. On one hand, wired headphones deliver better sound quality at a more affordable price, and on the other, wireless headphones offer convenience and mobility. The decision is down to personal preference, and it's up to you to decide which is better for your needs. At this point, we hope our comparison has been helpful in making that decision easier.

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